The Council for Retirement Security maintains the belief that every senior deserves to retire in peace and prosperity. Since its founding in 2008, the Council has become a prominent advocate for seniors and Social Security, developing grass-root communities across the country and online. The Council regularly petitions Congress, campaigning for better Social Security protections, representing the voices of over a half-million senior citizens.
What We Do
The Council’s current goal is fighting Social Security insolvency. The Social Security Trust can’t support the amount of people retiring today. If the Trust is left alone, millions of seniors will have their hard-earned benefits reduced by 20 to 30 percent. Money lost simply because no one took action; that is something the Council cannot allow!
Focusing on several ways to improve retirement policy, we
- Demand that Congress repay its debt from borrowing from the Social Security Trust
- Support steadily raising the retirement age, so seniors can collect their full benefit with ease
- And strongly encourage removing all loopholes that allow corporations and billionaires to avoid paying into the program.
These goals keep us active, as we strive towards ensuring Social Security’s present and future.
How to Help the Council for Retirement Security
The Council’s greatest asset is its audience of engaged seniors. Seniors looking to help protect their benefits and the benefits of others. By interacting with the Council’s platform, and signing the Council’s petition to enact the Social Security and Medicare Lockbox Act, seniors can present a unified message to our elected leaders.
Every senior citizen deserves the right to retire, but more than that, they should have the right to retire well. We are worthy of our well-earned benefits, and by joining the Council for Retirement Security’s mission, we can protect Social Security for years to come.
Is Rita Smith Founder of
Council for Retirement Security?
Thank you.
Yes, she is.