Can you pass our Social Security 101 test? February 23, 2021 Everyone likes a little challenge every now and again. And WHO among us can resist the call of a quick internet quiz? Being online… Continue Reading
Setting the Record Straight: the “Trust Fund Savings Account” February 11, 2021 USE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY ACCOUNT TO PAY YOUR BILLS! HOW YOU CAN ACCESS YOUR SECRET SOCIAL SECURITY TREASURY ACCOUNT! A couple of years ago,… Continue Reading
“It takes a long time to become young.”: Jane Fonda muses on Life’s Third Act February 9, 2021 It seems like we’ve all lived five years in the last one. Although this year has been so hard on each one of us,… Continue Reading
Setting the Record Straight: do Congressmen pay Social Security taxes? January 28, 2021 The average American worker contributes 6.2% of their yearly income to the Trust Fund. For a smaller number of workers who own their own… Continue Reading