Fixing Social Security – Can We Find a Bipartisan Solution? November 7, 2018 The History of Social Security What we know as Social Security today actually had its origins in 17th century England’s poor laws, which provided care… Continue Reading
Cato Institute: “A Real Lockbox for Social Security” October 5, 2017 Here’s some interesting commentary from Michael D. Tanner over at the Cato Institute. Though Tanner wrote this in 2005, much of what he says… Continue Reading
Sugar and the “Senior Moment” September 5, 2017 Do you ever walk into your kitchen and forget what you walked in there to find? Maybe you’ve tried to look for your keys… Continue Reading
The Trustees urge Congress to act on Social Security…yet again. August 25, 2017 In last week’s Social Security finance report, the Social Security Trustees yet again exhorted Congress to bring Social Security reform front and center–before time… Continue Reading