2021 COLA: good news and bad news for Social Security beneficiaries October 6, 2020 Reeling from Coronavirus’ debut on our shores, early predictions about next year’s Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) raise looked abysmal. To add… Continue Reading
CBO reports the Social Security will exhaust funds by 2031 September 8, 2020 The Congressional Budget Office has released its September 2020 outlook report for major federal trust funds, factoring unemployment data since the beginning of the… Continue Reading
Good news for Social Security recipients living in West Virginia December 10, 2019 Some states — not all — impose income taxes on Social Security. Residents of West Virginia will be happy to see their home state… Continue Reading
What’s in a name? Social Security releases top baby names July 31, 2019 Every year the Social Security Administration releases a list of the most popular baby names from the previous year, based on requests for Social… Continue Reading