It’s clear that Social Security is dwindling — but where is the source of the loss?
The fund has been running dry for years. With a decade at the most left until partial insolvency, the race is on to find a solution.
For some people, this means finding out what not to do — and the answers for this are all over the board.
Some claim cuts are coming in the traditional sense, and they’re protesting it. Others say policies have gutted the future of the fund, accelerating it toward financial ruin.
There are also claims that the retirement age is being pushed up, which functions as a benefit cut of sorts. Yet supporters of this option say leaving the program as is constitutes the robbery of future generations.
What are your thoughts? What’s the real problem with this program, and how can we help?
Here at the Council for Retirement Security, we work hard to safeguard the benefits seniors have earned. To learn how, check out our Social Security Lock-Box Petition and follow us for more content.